What perks can I reap with a Hospitality Management degree?
Millions of people are unemployed, do not wish to return to work, meanwhile I'm actively searching for jobs and coming to interviews well-dressed with no distractions, yet I keep getting rejected. Why?
Which job would be best for a person like me who likes to both travel and work to make money?
I want the human race to just die and disappear off the face of the Earth.....
What to do if I despise the human race simply because the vast majority of them don't give into their most base desires?
How does one travel internationally as a blogger if they don't have anywhere near enough money to travel?
Nothing would give me more joy than to just watch the entire human race destroy and kill itself by indulging in every wrong, wicked, twisted and or disordered urge and desire.....
I have no discrimination against lgbtq+ individuals, but do you feel ashamed having acted on your queer passions compared to others with the same desires as you but haven't?
Why is it that even when the most perfect member of the opposite sex comes along, we gays and lesbians STILL are repulsed by them?
I have decided that I will NEVER engage in any type of homosexuality, but I can't help but feel really excited and happy when I think about beautiful women......
Why isn't being told "Don't push my totes" a reason to take your own life?
My Coming Out Story: Childhood signs that I was a lesbian.
Before and After! a bit of a change but my wife still loves me! ❤️
Fellow Gays and Lesbians, what were some childhood signs that you knew you were gay?
What would be a good punishment for heterosexual cheaters?
Any particular reason why I shouldn't just either throw myself off of a cliff, in front of a truck, slit my wrists or any extremely life-threatening situation because of that cold, unapologetic stare that judge gave me in Late December of 2012?
Gays and Lesbians: what was your first kiss with the opposite sex like?
I'm extremely vengeful and would let those whose boundaries I violated in the past be beaten to death should I ever come across such a scene in real life......
Have you ever had a fulfilling relationship with the opposite sex?
[English>Japanese] "Your Japanese is shit!"
Why doesn't God just strike me dead right now given that I'm nothing but a selfish, self-centered, defensive, unpleasant a-hole?
How do I get over the fact of most people reviling my callous insensitivity towards violating the rights of others?
I want to severely traumatize a former judge for his cold, unapologetic and contemptuous stare at me.....
Fellow Gays and Lesbians: what was your first sexual experience like with the opposite sex compared to the same sex (if you had any)?