Is it worth it
tell me, have I made a terrible mistake?
I've not long got some lsd seller stated they are 250ug and as I've never taken lsd before (done shit ton of DMT) I thought I would cut it into 4 and having 1 bit after 45 Min I took the other half but had 0 affects I've tested it and it's deffo got lsd on them what do you lot think?
First time LSD user wants help please!
Hello, Some advice on redosing please:)
H: commando bundle W: offers
you guys think this is 2 g??
Mental health check, yall
I've just realised I've smoked half an oz in a week, is that alot? how much do you smoke a week?
gimmie some advice fellow stoners
my first tab, came across this while scrolling through my old pics. wow was that one fun day at school with the comedown
Bro I swear this is what you guys look like. (Btw why do you guys vape? Isn’t that like…bad for you?)
H: two Armour sets + possible add W: Legacy offers
H: 777 karma giveaway W: one lucky person to win
[XB1] H: Weapons & Armor incl. AA/B/Q/UNY and armor sets W: all offers
What is YOUR reason to live?
Just got some friendly things
what you smoking on right now?
Uhm i got my first really good west coast cart and i have smoked like half of it and i just would like yall to caption this for me
[XB1] H: Oh oh oh The Christmas presents have arrived, pick a number from 1-1000 W: there will be 70 winners, Good luck everyone! your dear Santa Claus!
Who is this? Wrong answers only
H: farewell giveaway W: someone's enjoyment
I just came on my own face.
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️.. Chinese man burns dog alive NSFW NSFL
[XB1] H: forrest scout mask W: legacy heavy weap offers