I'll guess your penis size based on your favorite kanye song
AIO friend admitting to saying the n word at work quite often and I don't feel comfortable hanging out with him
Has anyone had a snake in a dorm room?
Finished shameless and breaking bad need shows like those to watch?
Guess my top artist, gender and age
How do I get Drifter to shut up every time I go to Orbit??
I will do a quick silly doodle of your dog pics. GO!
Looking for a bad guitar
How does porn addiction work ?
Where do you see yourself in 60 years?
question for the boys (GIRLS GO AWAY 🤬)
I'm a single guy during Valentine's day starter pack
I've left r/ selfharmscars. I feel invalid
Should I buy terraria or a dance of fire and ice?
Why would any guy like an ugly person like me?
I cannot stand the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.
Why is self harm a coping mechanism?
I cant see things getting better
Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to
2 Fish heads sewn together in a bathroom
How does the clarinet have such a large range compared to other instruments?
How do I play through the break?
Let me doodle your betta!
What drastically changed your body?