Give me your main, gsp and your stage you like to play on quickplay/elite smash and I'll say whether you're carried or not.
I want to watch an anime which doesn’t have over the top characters nor simplified expressions and screaming and things that make the anime annoying to watch
What smash opinion got people like this?
How to play less stressed/stiff
Who to get into elite next?
Destroyed this guy's confidence lol
GOD How crazy the community would go if this was real (I'd Main btw)
What is your favorite box art out of all 5 (6 if you wanna be a nerd) games and why?
If you could add one spell/ability to hero, which would you choose?
I feel like I have to apologize to this Incineroar. I should have lost. [3 Egg Lay kills in one online match]
If this situation even had context, what do you think it would be?
I'm actually about to go insane if I get hit by Cloud's Up Special out of shield again
Dlc pass two is shit.
What Pokémon would you want to see in Smash 6?
Do we really believe that there should be a Smash 6?
Who do you think is the strongest/best support spirit in ultimate?
What do these two fighters have in common?
Which new character addition from Ultimate do you think aged the worst? I'm sorry ARMS fans, but for me it's Min Min.
The games every playable Smash Bros. character made their debut in
Why aren’t shields and bows decayed?
Want to have fun in this game? Dont play in quickplay
What do you think of the 3rd official tier list?
This isn't a fighters pass post- its a discussion about why I am confused as to the reason Akuma isn't already in Smash, please explain why I am wrong.