Misunderstanding about daily cap and casual players
Happy with Soul Erda Dailies and Cap
What is the easiest/least bad ways to verify a DPS applicant in a random pug boss party finder can hold their own in terms of damage along the same tier as the others? Supports are given more leeway I assume
22* or Trace. What's wrong with my guild?
How did sf event go for yall?
Opinion on SW Changes
New Reboot Carry Rules: Who's Affected?
Question about Boss Mule/Time efficiency
Is there a class that focuses on "Hurricane" skills for mobbing?
Reboot endgame gear progression
[Reboot] Is pap mark -> SW moncle transposing worth it?
DPM vs Burst
What's your most toxic take?
What kind of player are you?
What is your starforcing method ?
How will you play MapleStory post Totem Removal?
Benefits of Totems
A Look at the Implications of the Wild Totem Removal
Can we get nodestones in the general shop please?
Totem Removal
Endgame players should not be supporting totem removal just because they don't need them anymore
We should not stand for Totem removal.
Players praising the Totem removal for "Bigger maps" is Pure Copium
Ezra where are you?
What the F**K Are We Going to Do in Reboot Now That Totems Are Gone?