looking for shiny costume pikas or snorlax open to offers / offering below
(CAN FLY) Offering: Smeargle With Lock-on+Press/ Incinerate+Press LF: nothing
Remote Raid Megathread - Host and/or find raids here
Hosting mega swampert 160739612366 will add everyone
Lf image offering image 30 day trades please
Looking for top offering below (open to offer)
Choose ur starter (repost)
Pupper for a pupper?
Looking for / offering below
You can only pick one legendary to defend you, the rest will become your sworn enemies and will hunt you down. Who are you picking?(No mythicals)
How’s my inventory for a level 37? Be honest
Giving out some extras from my alts! Comment what u want! Will pick 5 winners! Ends after 24hours!
Looking for Porygon-Z and Bisharp offering below
Lf image offering image IF YOU WANT A SHINY YOU MUST OFFER ONE
Giovannis Rhyperior is kicking my ass.
Super Mario
Show me your top pokemon, I’ll start
Rank my battle parties?
How is this even allowed
looking for a kangaskhan to complete my johto dex finally! can offering below.. help me out?❤️
This Butthole ate 27 Ultra Balls and 27 Pinaps
Question for everyone
Do I max out? Or keep at level 1?