Lost causers might not think the civil war was about slavery, but the CSA did
Medal of Honor is DEI Now. Government of Merit!
This Civil War First-Person Shooter Is the Historically Accurate War Game You Never Knew You Needed - War of Rights is Currently 50% off on Steam! Link in comments.
Guys help. I am doing my master's thesis on the Civil War and one of my sources, Richmond newspaper "Daily Dispatch" has huge gap in spring 1865. As if something happened to its printing press and office.
Shalom, Chuck Schumer. President Trump revokes Schumer’s Jew Card from the Oval Office.
Oh this Southern paper must have struggled during the US Civil War and was forced to cease publishing for while... Wait what's the date?
Suomessa varallisuus keskittyy yhä enemmän rikkaimmille – nettovarallisuuden mediaani on laskenut noin 20 prosenttia
Lee was so lucky this numbskull was in charge
What really happened in the Oval Office today.
Suomella on ongelma: Asepalveluksen suorittaa enää 62 % nuoristamiehistä - Tämä grafiikka kertoo isosta muutoksesta
META: this sub is turning into every other fucking sub on this site.
Vanhempi menossa äärioikeiston media looppiin, apua!
B-Based Pence?
Is this accurate?
Benefit of the doubt for me
the duality of man
Would you date a centrist?
The Cuban Missile Crisis was Fucking Silly
Elon Musk ja hämmentävä kädenliike
Kysymys integroitumisesta
Ben Zyskowicz: Eivät suomalaisten perinteiden puolustajat kulttuurisotia aiheuta
Tutkimus: Ruotsissa raiskausrikoksista tuomituissa huomattavan paljon ulkomaalaistaustaisia – Ei selity huono-osaisuudella
Bring the downvotes boyz