I don’t get this, if I take with pawn, isn’t my rook undefended?
Opinions on the v-shape guitars?
Man places United States flag on a mount in Nw Zealand
Ram 1500pulls to the left after leveling kit and 35s
With what version did iOS start to decline usability and practicality wise?
Fluid exchange??
Anti theft lug nuts?
A/C Leaking from this spot.
Shooting at an Indiana Laundromat
is there any lock that is unpickable and there's no way to get in. ( i’m in the US and i have a standard bedroom door thats just one hole)
What is this “stuff”?
What vehicle is in your shop most often?
2018 VW Tiguan - part of suspension fell out
Do I need a reciprocating saw?
Sound Diagnosis?
Retracting electronic parking brakes manually
what kind of guitar is this?
what is this and what do i do about it?
Are screen protectors actually worth it?
Do you remember your exact reaction when this happened?
My greatest fear is becoming a reality:(
ULPT: How to get rid of your Tesla
Some mechanics are bad people
My car is a lost cause.