The (arguably) Best Part of BF4 and why it should return: Class Based Weapons
You can make snowman TILR
Battlefield Portal deserves a second chance to shine in this new game
Opinions on this scene? I always loved Blaze but after replaying I didn't realize how cold she was during most of the game. I have some conflicts with my liking of the character rn
Day 13. Sonic Cosmo Fighter was selected as the game with the worst Eggman voice. In which game was Shadow’s voice the best?
What do you think of the more shonen side of Sonic?
A first look at the RPK
So what's the point of classes if you simply can equip other classes' weapons?
More footage of an AT4
This map is CRIMINALLY underrated
Battery map view towards the Rock of Gibraltar
Gameplay from the new Battlefield Labs map and playtest
New footage for the new map battery (Gilbratar Concept)
They really are gone... I'll never forget them...
The recent timeline reveal gives this exchange whole new meaning.
Ian flynn did not say Sonic Prime happens after Advance 3.
Freedom vs Control (OC) - Sonic x Chainsaw Man
We now have an official Sonic Characters Relationship Chart thanks to Sonic Channel.
Now, with the cowboy theme in the game, how about using the double-barrel shotgun as a strategy?
The Mechs have an invisible fuel gauge, Arrowhead?
My hope for the next balance patch
I am 100% fine with no big silly cowboy hat. The baret works because it's military. Let's not start the slippery slope of haveing crazy hats
I propose a compromise concept to end the great cowboy hat debate
Here’s all of the character descriptions from the sonic heroes magazine
Do you consider the IDW Comics cannon?