When an Australian Globemaster aircraft thought it would be a good idea to fly between buildings during an air show.
I got a bad tattoo
My grandma just passed. What's the "right" response to people saying that they're sorry for my loss? Thank you, sounds... hollow I guess? But I don't know what else to say
Can someone confirm that these two graphics are accurate. I’m getting them tattooed on me and want to make sure they’re correct.
When and how often do you guys take showers?
Can't sleep, brain won't shut off
Inappropriate self touching - get child to stop
I think my Mum has ASD (autism spectrum disorder). What do I do?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
WAIS test for autism?
I help find long lost friends and family members online AMA
Do any of you ever have a hard time feeling “real”?
Women of Reddit: What are some things that women say that only women would understand?
What are some notable novels that Aussie students have to read in high-school for English class?
19F Make me cry
I'm not sure what it is....a wine stopper?
Do you support the population control of cats in Aus?
ASD diagnosis
How do cat owners deal with shedding?
May I ask how many of you in this group don't drive?
Plants need electrolytes
What did you do that ruined your friendships?
"It is not very loud..."
This is for all the people who hate "autism is an superpower!!" Or you know, us without the magic deep inside us.