Waitlist Update
Why was this pathway open if I didn’t even get the key?
Monthly Existing User Promo Code Thread
Any deck suggestions?
Used disappearing ink in my AP tests. Am I cooked?
Feels like an absolute con to get a CS degree
I Reviewed My Admissions Profile from UNC-Chapel Hill
Senior here, got AP scores early. Will i get any meaningful credit for UNC?
Yale and University of New Haven Celebrate Degrees Awarded to Inmates
Is anybody turning down an Ivy/T20 for another school? If so, which schools and why?
If Apple made dicks, what would be some of its features?
Is it too much to take three science ap classes next year?
Do colleges even care about the APs you take senior yr?
All searching for release ✂️
What was your favorite AP class?
What boss do you excel at the most?
is learning for fun an extra curricular?
i bought terraria
sophomore ap advice
Chance me, theoretical chances of getting into MIT.
Phrases to show how long you've been playing terraria (couldn't get discussion flair)
I got a score that is very far from what I expected.
Reporting Scores for College Application
Why does a college's "Acceptance Rate" mean so much to HS seniors
Scores Sent to Colleges