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Why did my mother manage to convince almost everyone that what she did is "motherly love" or that what she did was somehow medical? Sometimes I think i'm insane, because somehow everyone is on her side.
Today is a good day, PREACH MF
Creep I got in my DM', when I made a vent post about my mother CSA'ing me.
These people shouldn't work with vulnerable populations.
The “let’s not applaud men for doing the basic things” movement is BS
Its so beautiful seeing the male body as art.
I am such a loser.
People always somehow taking the chance to excuse my mother CSA'ing me.
Those who need to hear it sadly won't be here.
Why can't I just stop having these thoughts and feelings regarding the CSA my mother perpetrated on me?
I was straight up delusional.
Just a reminder that we don’t allow any of the following type of people, it shouldn’t have to be stated but apparently it wasn’t clear enough:
I hate the way young boys are sexualized
I'm an entitled loser, who doesn't change.
my boyfriend
I wish I would know, how it feels like to have a loving mother.
Could someone please tell me, how having a loving mother is like?
What are some Men's issues you wished news outlets like ours covered better or more frequently?
Can someone explain to me why I can't just snap out of my mental illnesses? Because I genuinely feel like all these things should be in my control.
I'm a survivor of incestual acts perpetrated by my own mother. I yearn to be heard and understood more by people.