Jedini pravi informativni program RTS-a, curi na sve strane samo dinstaj sad lagano
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Medicinski student sa Rts-a u prvim redovima sa vrhom SNS-a
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Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
Pronadji razliku
Opštinski kabineti po Srbiji
Da li je Posta u strajku, zna li se sta?
Will Mage Tower Artifact Appearances return, They are too Unique to Class Identity to be relagated to be FOMO items forever
When will this stop?
There is actually a clear point in time when the stream changed for the worse
I waited for 4 hours for gameplay.
"Ethical" is purely an excuse to milk the content dry and has made the playthrough dogshit.
Poll for what you think Quin will do in 14 days...
GIVEAWAY: I'm giving away 1,000 Points to one comment in this thread
You asked for this when you became a LSF react andy.
Gets me every single time
Day 3.14159 of Quin reacting to "content" someone save us please
Goodbye Chat
Pick Your Own Game from Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo - Three Winners
Here is an idea, Quin. Variety games for a day once a week.