Someone was probably going to ask this eventually
What's the worst thing that's happened to you in a flight?
Who is this Russian beauty? (I think she’s Russian…)
Elena Damiani
Most random composer deaths
Anyone ever smoke these bad boys? It was like smokin a Chai Latte.
Who was the most popular 80s artist who’s lesser-known today?
Remember when it was old people on the cover of this magazine?
Thank you, from a Bills fan
What outdated piece of technology do you still have for nostalgia purposes?
What are your favourite profanity alternatives?
Is it just me?
Suzanne Somers was my first celebrity crush- who was yours?
Which of the often mentioned but never (or rarely) seen relatives do you wish you could meet in real life? (Either in actual real life or in a M*A*S*H episode)
At what age did you find your 1st gray hair?
Found this in a pair of pants at the thrift
Just spending my afternoon cracking slabs
How old were you when you first watched the show?
In a piano concerto, how much of the artistic direction is on the pianist with respect to the conductor?
What is your favorite string Quartet.
One of the great passages from the violin concerto repertoire
Words you still can’t pronounce
Some Sweaty Amateur Stills
"I know that's right", "Facts"
1950s sluts