Okay, last one. Here’s all the Synth Khorne I will have painted for a minute.
Rules help
Rate my bloodletter list
Mortals: Synthwave
Rules clarifications?
My niece won't leave the house without her "glasses"
Grey Seer Finished
Finished Bloodthirster Thirsting for Blood
Finished Bloodthirster
How do you play Blazes of Khorne?
More Synth Khorne: Slaughterpriest Proxy
2 Titans Holding the Gates!
What do you do in 500 points?
Synth army done.
Synth Khorne: More Progress
How do you paint your tails?
Rave Khorne: Bass for the Bass God
Synthwave Bloodthirster
What do we say to Army List
Progress: Synthwave Bloodthirster
Krittok + Stormvermin List, C&C are welcome.
My first dude Yes-yes
Synthwave Bloodthirster WiP
Am I overreacting?
I want to have fun putting every clanrat I own on the board. Which list?
This is why I can't buy housing in this area