Who do I use this on?
Which one and why?
Leo and Water Inozuke dupe...
If silksong ever comes out, I will kill everyone that comments on this post
Does anyone remember or use pixel art?
Nintendo 2ds xl for €130
Current srpg collection
Just got my ld number 4 Craka. What do you think of her?
My current collection :D
The 3DS 16 cartridge case is possibly the worst accessory of all time
The one Not-Target Clearance post you were looking for.
Xenoblade antagonists be like... (XBC1-XBC3 SPOILER WARNING)
Fount my Golden Goose but the case has seen better days.. Do you know where can I get a replacement?
Sooo, what do you guys use to beat Rhea in Tempest Trials? I'm struggling right now...
Sealed KH NDS. Real?
Ho to rune Light Boarman?
The community in a nutshell right now
KH 358/2 Days. Real seal?
VGP orders finally arrived! Still missing a few more games from them!
What Game Would Be Most Successful If Adapted As A Film?
[2] Very special DTQ finished!
For 100$
Pokemon soul silver
TWEWY Eur. Looking for confirmation.
Xenoblade games if were created in Spain (full series):