Every Warframe youtube build video
Arca plasmor or Bassocyst for magnetize Mag
First time investing in a riven. Should i stop rolling this?
Has anyone mentioned yet how good a farm stage defense is? This was i think 45 waves
A recent bug fix made it so that Temple's abilities are no longer affected by Ripper Wail's heat damage bonus. Pyrotechnics has lots its purpose in Temple's kit and this bug should be turned into a feature.
What's your opinion on the new Companion app UI?
The Technocyte Coda fight is incredibly frustrating
Why the set prices(+90p) are so high compared to buying parts individually(60p)? Are sellers insane?
Warframe Wiki very outdated
Just need to rant about Kuva Lich weapon bonus %
Why are Archguns so... incredibly useless?
Warframe swapped my relic reward with something I didn’t want
Techrot Encore: Hotfix 38.5.4
On Call Liches feel very underwhelming to use.
Augment Mods
What was this guys problem lmao
[Gara] unplayable after Melee Doughty nerf on her
Can you get Coda Duets in Bounties, or just the PC map missions?
Setting 'Reduce Teammate Visual Effects' is great, but it doesn't work as intended
High Ground challenge is not fun or engaging. It's annoying.
Knightmare frame Crashes out. Recent temple build video becomes a den of transphobia
I’ve been noticing people don’t put 3 antivirus mods at once when fighting a Technocyte Coda.
Anyone think the coda variants are kinda underwhelming?
Hotfix 38.5.3: bro what?
If you could fix 1 long-existing bug, which one would you fix?