I had to take a break from cas, but I finally managed to finish elders for the next sim dump.
Why are we like this?
What joke or meme from your favorite ultra-niche subreddit would be complete nonsense to the average person?
Do you believe in aliens? Why or why not?
What's your turning point to cut off people/setting boundaries?
What compliments/nice things can you say about historically bad/evil people?
Trumponomics. What are your thoughts on his strategies?
What was your wisdom teeth removal like?
What is the weirdest alternative to money someone has paid you with?
Least favourite historical girl
Defiant teen seems to enjoy ruining her family's lives, what are your thoughts?
Lest favourite GOTY
Yall like fanart here? :)
Gal Gadot in Chloé Fall 2025 at the ‘Snow White’ LA Premiere [1463 x 1988]
Man is sad today, what happened?
Oh dear...
What's a cheat code you've discovered in real life?
In what ways has Trump shown or not shown himself to already be a dictator (is he one)?
What's your favourite insult or comeback?
why some child actors and actress retired before being famous and dont know aboout hey ever?
One of my sims is in labor, and his husband is playing rock-paper-scissors...
This is some 4chan shit lmao
Whats your biggest regret in life thus far?