Never accept a tip bait
We are One
Deleted the app because the driver played with my cookies
Riders: Do not smoke right before your ride, and do not vape in my back seat. And also, take a shower before getting in my car.
Tell me what you'll do when $PEP reaches 0.1$, and I'll tip you 20 $PEP. Don’t forget to like too! (Until 8:50 PM Paris time)!
Chick Fila
Doge Pizza in St. Paul MN
Guy atop a burning building saved by a crane operator!
How does that even begin to make sense??
I am so close
It's a Jeep thing
I could use a translation
Trezor 5 Jpegs
Indian Street food
Rads +100
The left side of the 69-year-old's face, which was exposed to UV rays through his truck window, is visibly more damaged than the right
Was Damien Echols cancelled?
My BIL was recently arrested under a really crazy circumstance in Florida and we're trying to figure out his charges
One-way ticket
Maybe Maybe Maybe
Angry bride struggles through vows as guest lets baby cry during ‘adults-only’ ceremony
just had the smelliest uber ride of my life
Just bought 500
Blocking the sidewalk
Stay safe out there folks