Wing Zero EW Ver Ka - my first time with anime / cell shaded style
When you watched the film for the first time, who did you root for?
What’s one GOOD thing you can say about A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) ?
Does anyone else remember the “Electronic Stretch Screamer” toys from the late 90s?
Today makes 1 month of semen retention
Just a few of some of my favorite high grades
So let me see if I understand this. These two parents wanted revenge because their kids (who were the murderers) were killed by the person Their kids wanted to murder.
What is your top three LEAST favorite of the franchise?
Which Scream girl’s style do you like the best
This was Caseys favorite😩
Which FT13 film does Jason look the best?
Unpopular opinion: Roman was the best Ghostface
Just chillin…killin🤷🏾♂️👻🔪🤪🤙🏾
These killa socks are comfy!🧦😬👻🔪😆
I have the photo of the original Father Death costume that is on the paper without the watermark, I leave it here so you can download it and make packaging like the original and I also have the "STAB" one
What's the youngest ministerial servant you know about?
Im so ready for Mad Monster Party next month in Concord NC🙏🏾
How tall is Jason Voorhees?
What’s the most disturbing scene in the entire franchise?
Describe JW Life in One Sentence Or Less
What if Randy and Tatum were the killers? What would be their motive?
Do you have a name for your car?
What's the first thing you did after leaving?
New Ghostface Logo I Created