Our Shiba Inu who is normally extremely calm, tries to “climb” walls and go on higher surfaces when my father in law visits. What could it be?
How do you handle an invitation to interview again for a position they’ve already rejected you for?
Managers of reddit, when hiring an entry level candidate what are some red/green flags in the interview
I learned today that my husband doesn’t actually wash the pots we boil pasta in. According to him they aren’t actually dirty since it was just boiling water. I am appalled
If aren't taking your dental health seriously, you should be!
Why are woman more attracted to married men? When I was single , seemed it was harder finding a good woman. Now that I am married , I get hit on all the time. Why?
Advice: I'm getting promoted to manager
Career Tips
What are these things?
Direct reports who cry
Would you be happy with this?
Training guides
695 and Rain
Ideas for boosting connection/engagement with the public
Any other autistics find it VERY difficult to identify with the autism community?
My boyfriend (M30) of 5 years admits affair with work colleague on the surprise 30th trip I (F29) had planned for him, are there any grounds for forgiveness?
My manager is a terrible listener
Is it an AuDHD thing that I CANNOT hold a grudge?
Neurotypicals, wtf...?
Should/how should I ask my boss not to address emails to my team with “hello ladies”, when I am in fact a man on a team of 9 other women?
Whats your go to healthy frozen meal from the store when you don't feel like meal prepping?
I (F30) found some stuff on my partners (M30) computer. He says he was hacked.
What to watch after finsihing Superstore??
I got rejected due to lack of questions...
Moving family of 4 to any blue state