Type in "POLICE I SWEAR I DIDNT" And let your keyboard finish it
Give me your biggest osc hear me out
Rule 37 of the OSC: The more simpable a female character is, the likelier it is to be lesbian
What happened?
I pulled up this on a toxic guy
"yeah this will keep them at bay"
Chikn says the N word
Would you kiss this handsome Bear? (Kake, Chikn Nuggit)
Tell me the first think that comes to your mind rn...
All I want for Christmas is H
New Year, New Us.
What is a "Controversial Take" you guys have for me it is chikn x chee (or hawt saus) (or slushi). i just dont see him getting with them
Comment your favourite food, but replace the 1st, 4th and last letter with H
What is your OSC hot take in which you'd admit in this situation?
Stop hating on him, he’s right
Chee is the worst character. Fight me.
Okay sadly alive4 has deleted their account
Say “Melodie” and let your keyboard finish the sentence (image unrelated)
Say “despite your popularity” then let autocorrect finish it.
My last post in this subreddit.
Brawl Stars Community when they don't get all the brawlers and skins for free + maxed out
guys it hink this is a pt ripoff!!!!1!1!
Thoughts at 3 am
Not attacking anyone. Just showing how hilarious it is.