Gracie’s Dinnertime Theatre is back?
In 2011, Boogie made a 1 minute video of himself going into the rain. It got almost 1 million views.
I. Hate. Sporc.
I haven't had a digital camera in around 15 years, but I heard they are making a comeback. Are they different than before?
Did Boogie2988 really learn web programming like he claims? He said in the early 2000's, the demand for webpage designers decreased. I thought that's when demand increased the most.
10,000 Applications
Does anyone remember the book Sweet Dream Pie? If we made a sat fat pie that large, everyone would have good dreams forever :D
Randall from Recess was meant to symbolize a cop in training (fixed broken image link).
No wonder they don't talk about this in school
"Auditorim" found in Saunders
Amazing what Boogie managed to accomplish from 2011-2015! It's long gone now though
The industrialist and the fisherman
Today is Pi Day! I will celebrate with a sat fat pie 🙂🥧
Department of Education funding is being cut by a lot. Will NTID survive?
One of Boogie's top 10 most watched videos promotes a sham exercise program, which claims that 300 lbs/year can be lost.
Does Boogie use alt-accounts?
I will be attempting to unban all users in the next few days. We will see what happens...
From 2.15 to 2.16, why did remove "workers" and "use_multiprocessing"? Cite an official source if you can.
Yasmin Tayag has to be the worst journalist on this subject. Another article where she makes false claims against saturated fats.
Flashback to when Boogie "good things came from the holocaust" 1488 said there are good people in ISIS
Pi Craft in Henrietta is temporarily closed. When will they reopen?
Electroplating, which is used in modern microelectronic engineering, might have actually been invented 1500 years ago by indigenous Peruvians.
Does boogie take ozempic?
Boogie's most viewed video ever is just him falling into a pool. He doesn't even do a cannonball or fall from a diving board.