Which neon player do you guys suggest
Weekly League Recruitment Thread
Keep or shard? (Team attached)
Active players for league tournament
Passing is awful: and I did the calculations
Active League
Need active players who are willing to help with tournament as well.atleastb110 ovr
Lets sail together
Who to chose ?
What do I do with him?
Best CAM under 1 billion?
Which rb should I buy
who should I have in my LW position? I've got both
I have 60k tokens rn . Whom Should I pick?
Which 105 CB to use under budget of 1.5 mil? I already have vidic
Should I claim kounde or claim tradeable Sandro to sell?
What do i do
What to do with this....😡😡
Will he be top tier?
got him with shards ASAP, as an F2P i am proud
Why are there no good RMs?
Guys help me ,what should I do