Likely the ruins of an Iroquois settlement
Hook from an Arnold Tornado
What is up with these weird reviews of places on the US/Mexico border?
Am I the only one getting tired of Reed Timmer?
Strongest tornado on this date in history, by county: Mar 5th
All of NC patiently waiting for Ryan today
Crazy squall line notch seen through Radar Omega’s storm relative velocity in Raleigh, NC
For those of you who've heard both a tornado, a plane engine, a freight train and been in a subway, what do twisters actually sound like?
Radar confirmed nado in NC
Saw a post about the 3/31/23 outbreak earlier. You can still see the notch in the Little Rock tree line from my workplace.
Verification of Meat Sourcing & Processing Standards
Storms look so much more menacing in black and white
My Pet Carnivore
What not to do during a tornado warning
Today is the 6th year anniversary of a EF3 that hit my hometown
Cried in front of my students today