How on earth did the devs never fix the ball golems getting stuck? (DS 2, Foundry)
Genuinely curious
I don't believe in astrology, but I think my need to know the first three games someone completes is pretty close to astrology.
Party House cherry is kicking my butt
Which of these busters is your LEAST favorite?
DCCS620 Chainsaw Failure
What is this?
Inconsistency in dash skills
The fact that there are still 10 minutes queues 2 weeks after release, on a monday, makes me think this game might be onto something
CPU has white stuff at base of some pins
Is the current end of the story still the same as 9 months ago?
Tips and builds to run Effervo faster?
SP circuit jackal damage types?
Am I the only one seeing this? This can't be a bonk moment, right?
Don't Play Xerath well or you'll end up with this screen
Why can’t I play Murky in the free to play rotation?
META word avalanches should be judged by how much they actually make sense, not just complexity of repetitive sound
honestly i don't know why they haven't added it already but
Dumb question but: do you guys think roboquest on mobile is possible? (Not as in “are the devs gonna make it?”)
Fun Fact: Faker has never lost a worlds final that he won
Gadget Rack
Who is using Quick cast? I just notice that for the first time in years, i tried it out a bit and it's seem like the way to go, am i missing something? Are you all using that to some degree? (On Release even)
Final boss spoiler
Eli5: Why is our number system based on 10?
Which champ has the most cc?