Recommend me stuff based on my watchlist
Need a romance like The angel next door spoils me rotten
If youre stuck not knowing what to watch, go watch Gurren Lagann immediately
Just started the anime and I love how goofy it is
Anime recomendations based on my tierlist
Who is the biggest asshole
This show reminded me of how much I absolutely hate love triangles
Melancholic anime that will make me depressed but hopeful
Who's THE cutest character in your opinion? Beat this if you can...
what are your top three (or more) anime?
Suggest anime to me based on these
Just finished for the first time
all of it that i have watched, would you plz suggest me some more Good stuff
Im only on the 11th episode but I had to make this post
Best anime reccomendations for a starter?
Who is the most beautiful female character in your opinion?
Best Anime That Include Romance Without Being Romance-Centric"
Need a romance anime.
Can I have some reccs based off my top 10?
I want an anime that can make me cry+movies
I need some wholesome anime to watch:
I dont really know what watch next
Any recommendations based on my favourites?
Just wanted to share some of my favourite presets so far
I just finished watching Gurren Lagann and wow, im struck