You get one rule to come into enforcement in the UK for 24 hours what is that new rule?
Why does it always have to be straight down when there's a lag spike.
Parcelforce narrowed delivery slot down to an hour, only for the driver to be two hours late.
Heard some noise in the kitchen trash and saw why
Are Halfords really that bad?
Any ideas to fill this room / make this room more interesting? Gonna texture later.
What's a job you wouldnt take even if it paid 500k a year?
Any idea how to get it off?
Do the specs of a NAS matter if I plan on using it solely as a DAS?
What is something you secretly judge people for?
You mean there’s just the one?!
So I sat behind one of these absolute monstrosities today
Rtx 3090 or 4070ti super?
How fast do average graphic designers complete a model?
What car models have the biggest variation in price?
What are signs that people are not that intelligent?
What’s a scam that people still fall for, no matter how obvious it is?
Playtest emails but no code
New Jaguar prototype spotted in Paris
UPS sends a delivery date based on when the label was created not when it's actually nearby
Guys what was the moment that made you realize you had to learn how to cook?
M16 A1, West German modified M 16, would be good in around 2.7, in the gap between the sdkfz 6 and sdkfz 251
What do you call an apple that is not crisp/crunchy?
What do we think about an option to change bomb loadout/ammunition type during re-arm
Finding designer ergonomic chair that isn’t ugly