John Mayer used to go long on Wheel
John Mayer’s rules of technology from the early 2000’s
Always great when John Mayer does an extended intro for a song
John Mayer covering The Wind Cries Mary
John Mayer debuts a, then new song, Another Kind Of Green
The first live Bold As Love cover John Mayer performed in his professional career
Home life is poetry
Kinda looks like 2024 John jamming with 2006 John🤣
It’s fun to hear what music John Mayer comes up with on the spot
Always great when John Mayer breaks out the Hendrix/SRV style improvs and the whole band jumps in on it
Can’t go wrong with an extra jammy Ain’t No Sunshine
Back to you is such a grooving song
We know John Mayer has played and recorded with the late great B.B. King a few times but rarely has John Mayer covered B.B. King Live and it’s also amazing
John Mayer is too funny in one of his first pre Grammy interviews in 2003
Vintage John Mayer interview on his early career beginnings and plans for Heavier Things
An early rendition of John Mayer playing Everyday I Have The Blues in 2004
John Mayer only played Something's Missing Solo on Electric once or twice when road testing the song and it's awesome
Daughters was a different song back on the 08' tour and it's so smooth
What a treat when John Mayer covers SRV, even more so when it's on acoustic
A cool, early acoustic version of Something's Missing Live
Solo No Such Thing Live at Hotel Cafe 2006
Who were the band members in the Georgia Theatre performance?
A chill Clarity 2004 online performance, in studio
John Mayer improvises on the acoustic for the crowd
The first ever live performance of Something's Missing