Winter in Jindabyne
I’m normally quite good at reading my own cards but this has really confused me
Coping with DPDR as a new glasses-wearer
What do you guys do about teeth clenching?
My wife (F44) seems to dislike non-sexual touching from me (M45)
Few days without k miserable
How to mix for smoking
Manifestation pyramid schemes?
What do you regret doing to your body?
My new girlfriend surprised me for Christmas and it brought tears to my eyes. She’s so freaking cool.
What to watch on ketamine?
does someone whos addicted to ket still gets the anti depressants effects?
In Australia we say ‘it’s pissing down’ when it’s raining very heavily, what do people in other parts of the world say?
What made you stop socializing the way you used to?
What is your main cause of stress at the moment?
I (23f) finally lost my virginity to my (23m) and I feel heartbroken. How do I move past this?
What is the favorite quote from your own father?
What is the worst thing to see on a dating app profile?
I literally alone all the time
What was the event that separated life into a before and after for you?
Yesterday my (50M) wife (38) was told her brain cancer is growing rapidly and we are dealing with her end of life
Loud ringing in ears
Is it normal to express negative emotions to your partner?
I'm notsure what should I do after quiting social media
If you could go back in time, what decision would you never make?