Help please send link so I can sell
My homeboy cut my hair and I have to attend my aunt's wedding tomorrow, 1st image is what I wanted did he get me right yall?
Weekly rip what can I sell all for
Before and afters of turning our formerly abandoned 1927 Detroit home into our forever home. Vacant for 7 years prior to start.
Can you resist my asian body
Just wondering what the art style is called on this card?
New Hogan Big Gold Series
Was $130 too much
Thinking of selling what should I ask for
Should I sell or grade and hold
What hair type is this? My mom has 4b/4c hair and my brother has 3b hair, I thought i had 4a at first but my brother is saying its more like 3c and now idrk which is right...
Total value on these cards?
It went GEM!
Help can anyone find a price so I can sell?
Can't find anything on this card ?
Pulled this I know it's not worth much..
Is this worth keeping and grade
Keep and Grade
Braids look too tight? Looks like there is redness to me but my sister said she doesn’t see it.
What do I have?
bobby witt jr clearly authentic/99 for sale only $200 shipped
3 boxes of clearly authentic
Stoked! 2022 Topps Clearly Authentic roll of the dice
How reliable are card packs from eBay? What steps can I take to protect myself? What is an automatic red flag that I should learn to recognize/avoid?
Any hairstyles besides dreads that look good with 4c hair Having trouble accepting my hair.😔