Corrie (2009) - [English inside] Documentary of peace activist Rachel Corrie who died crushed under an IDF bulldozer defending a home in Gaza [1:39:36]
If you were hosting an afternoon drop-in tea what 3 sweet and 3 savoury items would you have available (self serve/ buffet style)?
What episode of Dora is this
The Onion knows what’s up
Open concept gone too far
Toddler Irish Dance in Manhattan?
Why doesn’t Manhattan have an incredible Children’s Museum?
Help me pick! I’m so stuck between these two
I flew too close to the sun 😞💅💨
What is this fruit?
How bad would the name Saoirse in the States be?
which eras in history would you like ag to do next?? (i’m positive this has already been asked but it’s always fun to talk about!!)
Moving to NYC — Recommendations for Great Middle Schools?
Staying in UES for 5 Weeks - 9mo + 3.5yo - Stroller HELP
Small, crumbly, not very sweet cookie name?
Luigi responding to mother with sick daughter
Medical student looking for a job - recs?
Purim costume for toddler
Ingredients for a perfect Duggar wedding
Aria’s “custom built bassinet” is not giving safe sleep vibes
Your American girl doll story
Is Nurie really the favorite?
Coffee drinkers unite!
🤷🏻♀️ I always thought I had French in me, but I guess not! Pic of me included
An update on @mrsarialewis