What do you call this mountain? Wrong answers only!
Should I get the game?
Liquid Container Preferred Colour - Survey Results!
Application to the brotherhood
Starting map options
What Charlie Starting conditions should be like frfr
My first war just ended, how did I do? :)
Magic Items & Potions Ideas [Art]
What do you call this planet? Wrong Answers Only!
Can you guess which episode?
Space Jam
I think I'm ready to start an army now...
If Rockstar pulls this, I'm out
Our 7 player Seafarers game last night ⛵️
Here I go!
Your last words before I sit? F18
Hammer me Harder Daddy!
Gonna play Foxhole for the first time, anything I should know going in?
Home Base Queue
Just got the game last night, first fry cry for me actually.
Love Story
New initiate to W40k