Finally, after a long time, I have achieved the 6 challenges and one million points.
6 chal sucks...
Who is this character?
Nearly 4000 games later... i finally f***ing did it. it was most due to this community that gave me so many tips that i've never even seen/heard before, and it made beating 6 challenge MUCH easier. now the only thing im missing is beating 1 million
Which items to reforge?
Didn't know you could get two cooking pots on the same floor, huh.
Doing 6ch run and i havent even touched 1 potion of healing till floor 13. if im lucky with cave spinners, i might make it to 15
Any seed for the seed?
Kaiser potential new weapon
First 6 chal
Yea, no thanks.
Help with 6 chal run
Who would win in a food eating contest?
I don't think i've ever been more mad in this game
Warden 3 challenge help
If you could have any Shen Gong Wu, which one would you pick?
A twist on this
The winner of Worst Ring has been decided! It's Tenacity! Next is Worst Artifact! Most upvoted comment is the winner. The results will be posted 24hrs from now!
Hmm... I don't think it's enough
What to transmute?
Perfect Berserker run. Don't think, just run around and melt anything that comes near you
My Most Powerful rogue yet
A great start to a run of 6 challenges:
3 of the best trinkets