Stanza Living PG is unhygienic, and now they won’t return my security deposit
Stanza Living refuses to return my deposit despite health hazards
AITA for telling my younger sister to make her own food?
Pufferfish waits by its trapped friend while a diver uses a crab to cut the net
What is this abomination!
My 2 days old indian cousin can speaks 10 languages, Pfft
That’s cute though
Secret account
Potatos Potatoes
A wallet to go with my recent make.
Am I the only girl who thinks that Indian parents are somehow HELICOPTER PARENTS and UNINVOLVED PARENTS at the same time?
Made a rasmalai cake for Dad’s birthday!
Society has become too focused on rights and has completely ignored responsibility and it's not ok.
[Homemade] Neapolitan Cake
Mantis friend I found near my home in Mexico (ID needed)
It do be like that
Here is something to brighten up your day. Credits to Toulouse
UPDATE - my (24m) bf (32m) was aggressive when drunk and I'm not sure how to handle it?
AITA for abandoning my old life and family after their practical joke?
AITA for not apologizing for being blunt with my grandparents?
I don't know what this bug is, but it's so beautiful and adorable!
Does anyone else think “it would be so much easier to just kill myself”
My neighbour upgraded her machine and gifted me this for nothing. I’m so excited! My first machine is a hand me down non branded Lidl one.
I drew my kitties with chalk!
Matching skirt and bandana for my first project. Don’t look that closely!