how hard is it to find a large white cock to penetrate me?
Any update about this??
Mei by cr3ep
Brig HAS to have a bit more healing
Did they expect me to die 0 times?
i dont know why yall complain that rein is bad, he perfectly fine!
Director’s Take – Mixing Up the Meta in Midseason
Why do so many content creators INSIST that Symmetra is better than she is
I get rolled and then I get lobbies like this....
Reinhardt- Zen in nearly every match giving you 30% more damage taken, 20% less healing received from getting sprinkled by a bullet, how the hell are you meant to exist or close a gap without being torn apart?
Matching up against GM's as a plat/gold in ranked
It's either slighly overpowered 5v5 solo tank or return to 6v6. There's nothing in between.
Tank is the worse it has ever been
Plat is currently nothing but Masters and GMs stomping everyone
Tried playing tank today and I just can't do it anymore man
I have just played a comp game where EVERYONE was a bot
Info on tommorows patch
Who are some heroes whose skill ceilings are often under/overstated by the community?
I've clocked why the main subreddit hates this patch
Tanks should have agency, and nerfing the DPS passive would be a step in the opposite direction
Comp is more fun then quick play
The reason you feel tanks are dying faster now, explained by math (simply)
People actually liked Healing
The healing reduction feels too much
Tank is even more unbearable than before