¿Opiniones en el tema de la mina?
When you realize this was their final moment together:
My father found out I was planning to build a PC and got me this. Thanks dad.
When to pick Senna?
guys, would u date a girl with hair this short?
Is this a rare find?
Palabras Panameñas que ya no se usan en la actualidad
lebron james on ezreal
I got spoiled.. should i still watch it?
Despues de ahorrar, pude armar mi pc, que opinan de mi setup
What is the Sexiest graphics card of all time?
i wanna know whats the youngest and oldest that you would date
5years ago
It's f*cking beautiful. What a masterpiece.
Caso panamá, denuncian a mi sobrino de 18 años por haberse acostado con menor de 14. ¿Es grave?
Thoughts on the new song?
which cologne smells better?
Any advice on how to look more masculine? (16 btw)
is there something wrong with my monitor
Beard or mustache?
got a buzzcut
Would it be considered “nerdy” or “weird” to be considering getting a full Vi tattoo replica minus the “VI” under the eye?
¿Que tan Otaku creen que soy? Aca mi cueva:
Would you be friends with me?