Trying to do something time consuming
First non-essential building on this world (Outerwall)
Love flying through caves.
What block do you hate the most? I’ll go first
Do Zombie spawners no longer spawn Zombie Villagers on Bedrock edition already?
What's a personal item you always like to bear with you?
What do you name your world(s)?
My friend said this was reddit worthy
What’s your first Anime?
High Round Stat Possibly, Mostly putting this here so others can optimize.
Vermin count as elites during the water valve step
Terminus Solo
Bo6 zombies wonder weapon ee?
The Game Rules toggle was one of the best things to ever be added
Flash Step Slash - A homebrew 1st level paladin spell. What do you think?
Barbarian Subclass: Path of the Burning
Need an outside projector for weekly movie nights in a wide open space.
Best way to optimize houserule: nat 20 on initiative means extra turn?
I saw some post here asking that Aces aren't humans anymore. Ofc no, we're all gods. But you're god of what? Moon? Wine? Hell? Love? Idk, just tell me.
Giving my players character guidelines - The Five Man Band
Magic Lacer - Sorcerer Subclass (Input Wanted)
Magical Contract
Made a homebrew vampire system... Yes it's not made in Homebrewery.. haven't switched it onto there yet
Finally Some Good Fucking Food
I have no idea what to title this