I Miss Balrog
the way xiaos play this game and think they can get away with it is outstanding
I Miss Urien (I didn’t make this combo obv)
What tekken game is the best in your opinion?
Harada goes off on a person complaining about Anna’s design
This game is so exhausting man
My nephew is thinking of quitting Tekken, what should I do?
I fought a victor that lags the game when he gets launched
Lowkey need him to find another game to make shit videos about
How's this possible? They weren't cheating too
Ladies and gentlemen, A effing K.
Who's your all-time favorite Grappler?
Considering every Tekken character whom are based on real martial arts... Which characters are the best and worst representatives of their fighting style in regard of key moves, ideas, cultural backgrounds, etc?
Characters I don't want genderlocked
What are everyone's theories for what "PHK" could mean? 👀
Dad with daugher vs dad with son
Everybody is arguing Regice or Regi-ice. Y’all are forgetting the alternate option: Reguis!
Ed Boon, please bring this outfit back for MK1
Sareena assist
Legal Help
Well I'm not sure
More schizo ramblings (although anon may have a point here)
What is your personal best Dragon Ball game, and do you think Sparking Zero will change that?
Terry looks good, y'all flipped out over nothing
All Blue Shop (pretty cool huh?)