I’m not American
Who’s this milf
Who’s this MILF it could be AI I’m not sure
Has anybody other than me changed how they read fantasy series because of Rothfuss and G.R.R.M. ?
Construction bots
friends mom
Does the Death of Rats only do rats or does he do other rodents like mice and pet hamsters.
What Is The Best Britpop Song That Starts With B (According To r/Britpop)?
Not so casual Inglaterra W
What book is so good, you've read it more than 3 times?
Anon meets a woman from Ireland
Completely stumped
She's a 10
Socio political spectrum of football (elite-working classes from up-down, left-right). From Gol de corazón
Nigel Farage’s 60th birthday caption competition.
Who is the greatest attacking defender of all time?
A map showing the UK's land use.
Dad joke
Young petite blonde
Is there anything especially worth seeing in Koblenz ?
What are you starting to dislike as you get older?
Finished The Name of the Wind. Where do I go from here?
The Blacktongue Thief - Christopher Buehlman