Why didn't Naruto use talk no jutsu against Kaguya? Is he stupid?
Remux gang
Giveaway for any $70 game of your choice [Steam]
Don’t bring this counter knifing shi to bf 6😭
Probably not a virus, right?
best moment from each game?
Razer software is so impatient
Black mirror opinions that will have you like this
So that’s how that happened..
I killed a pilot with a knife 😭
Just found this wand in my first holy mountain, is it good?
Anon takes the Zinc Pill
You never know where you will end up if you make a wrong turn in Albuquerque
A picture I took in Seven Dials Market
"It's going to be a free upgrade lol"
Any suggestions for other shows somewhat like Love Death and Robots?
Peep #5!
✡️ Took this away from you
Seeing a lot of RTX 5000 & AMD 9070 upgrades, what GPU did you guys have before?
EGS login in a nutshell
Australian man survives 100 days with artificial heart in world-first success | Sydney surgeons ‘enormously proud’ after patient in his 40s receives the Australian-designed implant designed as a bridge before donor heart
Anon reaches a Watcher
Bravo Birkman