Without saying the name, what’s a movie everyone will recognize from just a quote?
Game pause screens should have no audio whatsoever.
My favorite thing about the enhanced pc update…
Top comment gets to name him
Stores are taking advantage of tariffs
Can the stock be removed or do I need to buy the shorter version for no stock?
The pull rates of Journey Together are sooooo much better than Traumatic Evolution
Who has my package 👿
batman got his name due to his fear of bats. using that same logic, what would your superhero name be?
Let’s get drunk, do drugs and get her going on the Mitchell!
Do you like to party?
Decided to take inventory before a weekend skirmish
The show Friends sucks
Rockstar really hit me with the GTA V dehanced edition
Should i get taco bell today?
Obviously didn’t explain is well enough
S4:E4 “Green Bastard”
What’s a movie that bored you so much you kept checking the time?
Same price, which one would you choose?
Tattoos are unattractive.
Things happen here.
Whats the biggest mistake you've ever did in the game?
My friends 4 year old son had this in his stack
Riolu is the best baby Mon of SV, change my mind