In my opinion the cutest cookies in the game
The Thrill Ending, Piano + Cello (Duet)
How do you acquire these?
Divinity, Orchestrated
Had to sell 1700/2000 of my xrp
Is it worth getting back into crk?
How do you determine the intrinsic value of a company?
Who is your favorite Legendary?
Anyone else bought the Shadow Milk village pack last month?
Which Porter Robinson song is this?
Which kanye west song is this?
Which do you like better? 1 or 2?
The Thrill, Piano (Demo)
What is the “secret sauce” that gives music that polished Apple Music/Spotify sound
Which sugar crystal do you guys usually go for?
Guild revival (Story time)
I bought XRP for the first time
Can i transfer my avatar from a vault that I no longer have access to my new vault?
What is a MFR Parrot worth?
Space Black or Silver?
LTT Primrose #7 and/or Faye #19
This "Never own a Mac" opinion article is so cringe, even if some aspects of points are valid. And I've only owned one for 3 months.
Looking to buy a MFR Bat Dragon for $350 (CashApp)
Its Official!
To those that have ordered M3 Macbooks what colour and config did you get?