Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!
First 100mg shot overmedicated me horribly- will my second one be like this too?
Hello just had some questions about sublocade if anyone can help and tell me about about their stories I would greatly appreciate it.
Supplimenting with 2-4mg strip after last shot?
Excited/nervous A few questions..
Help how do I stay productive while constipated
Extreme fatigue
Currently on 6mg suboxone. Want to switch but a bit confused.
getting sick before injection
How long does the process of getting off bupe with sublocade take? Whats the withdrawal like?
Wow glycerine suppository!
3mg to 100mg Shot
Insurance covers shot but office visit is $275..
Sublocade exhaustion
Should I Cancel my Second Shot Tomorrow? Or Delay? Goal is to get off Bupe Entirely. ONE AND DONE PEOPLE, CAN I HEAR FROM YOU?
Advice from “one and done” people
Who Here Did 2 Shots (300 + 100) and Called It a Day? And How Did It Work Out For You?
So I started taking bisacodyl (the active is dulcolax)
Encouragement & hope - 5mo. out from last shot
I’m thinking of taking a 10 mg Bisacodyl Dulcolax Suppository
Constipation Relief 😮💨
One and done thoughts, suggestions, experiences
Suboxone to sublicade
Suboxone and Sublocade cured my addiction
Advice on feeling the euphoria again