Sleepy sunny Saturday with Charlotte 🌤️🖤
Juni-pug, looking cute!
JD Vance gets booed as he sits down to enjoy a concert at the Kennedy center.
She stopped mid zoomies for this
International Women’s March in Fort Worth - Under his eye
My Dog Passed Away in My Arms
Nick is sO damn
Which show started 10/10 and ended 10/10?
Who is the most famous person you have ever met?
Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
How I imagine this weekend is going for the vice president
Dozer is home
How did everyone find their pugs? Website, social media, or ???
Attacked by a vicious baby pug !
Cute pug photo dump (Nugget/Sushi)
Came Home 30 Mins Late - No Hello @ the Door - Where Is He?
Here’s the Progressive pet insurance commercial Waffles and I did! We hope we were good representatives for r/pugs!
A question for parents who've chosen not to vaccinate their kids: How do you feel when you hear about kids dying from a completely preventable disease that you yourself were vaccinated against decades ago?
Who was your first celebrity crush?
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
What are all improvised weapons you can think of off the top of your head?
Preparing to euthanize Ajax tomorrow, 19 years old (deaf-blind-dementia)
I remember reading up on Pugs before getting Marvin. The term “Velcro Dog” popped up a lot. Now, he’s usually velcro-ed to my wife. But when she’s not home it’s me… here he is while I shower.
I adopted another pug! (She’s in the yellow sweater) her name is Patricia and I love her already 💕 senior pugs will always have a special place in my heart. She and Lola get along so well! Instant besties
Little old ladies. Phoebe left 15 - Alice right 10!