My favorite tag team. One of the greatest tag teams of all time. Who's your favorite?
What is your “Mount Rushmore” of Weird Al songs??
Songs about The Bible (in order...maybe)
Which Anime girl is the most beautiful?
Small haul. Thanks to whoever posted about Strange House recently. Looking forward to diving in!
Who is your favorite red/pink hair anime character?
What’s that one anime where the manga was amazing but the anime was horrible?
Please tell me I’m not the only one who thinks this is the worst one yet
Who is the most beautiful anime character
Best green haired anime character?
Songs about fathers
What’s a song you didn’t know the name of for years but eventually found?
Is Zom 100 worth watching?
I have a type
Animes that feel like this
Juvia is so precious and must be protected at all cost!! 😡😡 [Media]
Is Zombie100 any good?
Songs that have "One More ____" in the title
Recommendations after watching the anime?
Best waifu of all time?
Satan and I catching some St Patrick’s day parade action
First big big haul in a while.
The Legend of Billie Jean 1985.
Help with tickets reveal for Bday gift