Building a new playlist for the flea market! Help?!
My 22F Boyfriend 24M Is Not Talking To Me, How Do I Fix This?
Is it bad if I get cosmetic surgery to also appeal to men?
Demi Moore celebrates Bruce Willis turning 70 🥰
Is this worth anything?
What did a guy do to blow his chance when he was onto a sure thing ?
Misheard Lyrics
Who do you think is Peggy's favourite son?
Show me the last celebrity picture you saved on your phone
The way people edit Monica Belluci's photos to make her "prettier"
MS Paint Mirror
Is it wrong to call 111 if I doubt my GP?
Unusual/Favourite Smiths Cover(s)
What perfectly legal thing did you do that aroused suspicion?
My 9yo seriously injured someone at the park.... what can I do?
Phil Collins with his daughter, Lily Collins, who turned 36 yesterday
Unseen characters youd have liked to have seen and why?
How does it feel living life on easy mode?
To what extent is porn realistic?
My ex came back for sex, once again. I’m devastated/feel used (again) and like a complete idiot.
Radiohead songs
How true is it that young women often prefer older men?
What slightly sketchy thing did your dad do when you were younger to save money?
Women - what are you wearing to work?