It is meant to be!!!!
Smile 2 had no right being as good as it was!
‘Ticking time bomb’: Regina General Hospital using ‘mass casualty’ tactics
Repeating the same 8 NMT islands over and over, what am I doing wrong?
Horrible Villager Hunting Luck
Please suggest disturbing / horror movies/shows/ documentaries!
has anyone seen this before? it’s labeled as “flying saucer” and i can move it like furniture. it just appeared on my island.
Should I be concerned?
Man hospitalized after attack by youths in downtown
I’d be way more into decorating my island if it worked like HHD. Anyone else agree?
So I'm kind of terrified!
What’s your biggest pet peeve in ACNH?
I feel like a poser. Fake. Impostor. Now what?
Does anyone have a dream address?
Orangebury is open for visitors
Yet another bear spray incident at Midtown Plaza today
Looking for the scariest supernatural movie
New player Dream Address. Opinions appreciated.
2 player
what movie is this
Saskatoon police respond to three bear-spray incidents in 12-hour period
AA - Any atheists w/advice?
Want to know if I click on a profile of an old crush, will it cause her to see?
Workplace injury
I had been smoking for 20 years now I am 14 months off of cigarettes.