Which is the worst Yakuza game story-wise?
What would you add to WoA to make it so realistic it’s unfun to play?
AC Black Flag Enjoyers: Give me your favorite shanty
How Long Does it Take for You to Shower?
10,000 dollars for a new name that I’ll give you.
Games with an extremely high ceiling for movement?
After About 170ish hours, finally 100%'d the game!
Bundle of Steam Keys Giveaway
If you could visit your teenage self for 10 seconds what would say?
There’s a bug in my system (NSFW SPIDER)
Who is the most interesting protagonist you've played as in video games?
What food did you hate as a child, but now love as an adult?
This level is something
Favorite titan?
Would you shit in this toilet for 1 million dollars? 🎅🏻🎅🏻🦀
5 things you get away with
Type “SpongeBob is” and have autocorrect finish it
Guess the language
$50K, and your Reddit name is now your legal name
Reveal the 4th picture in your camera roll (sigma check)
Whatever is to your left shall be his nickname.
I DoNt ThInK wIdOw Is ThE pLaY hErE
What game do you jump into when you just need to kill 15-30 minutes of waiting time? And why that one?
Summon your entire video game fanbase by using only one quote.
🎁Any Game you want GIVEAWAY!🎉