Every time the sensates interact: a (very long) spreadsheet and analysis made by me. Spoilers for the whole show.
Does anyone else feel like Generation Z is becoming eerily similar to the Silent Generation?
Do it and no one gets hurt 🔫
Open your fucking mouth.
As a cart girl for golf club, you can earn a lot in tips. You quickly learned a little flirting fetches you more. You didn't expect how much more until you got too close with this rowdy group
The contrast between loving kisses and my body being used~
The truth 100
How the date started vs. How the date ended. Sluts are so easy to trick
Before this all started, they said all I was was a useless fuck toy put on this earth to pleasure men…. I guess they were right 😳
just turned 18, what do ya think?
only 18, still new to this
Post the last photo of your cat in your camera roll (be honest)
why every single pin Is an ad ?
I saw this idea for a row/round counter and thought i would share cause it’s been super helpful for me
Family group chat lol
whatd you eat today?
Safe food list